Come riparare il tubo dell'acqua rotto

2023-03-10 10:45:30

Dopo che la casa è stata abitata per un periodo di tempo, è soggetta a vari problemi. Tra loro, la perdita del tubo dell'acqua è la più comune. Se la perdita è grave, non solo influenzerà la decorazione interna, ma può anche influenzare seriamente la vita. rimedio. Allora, come si ripara un tubo che perde? Quali sono le cause comuni di perdite di tubi dell'acqua? Diamo un'occhiata breve con l'editore.


1.How to repair breakage and loss of water pipe

First close the main gate of the water pipe. If the break is relatively small, you can directly use the special adhesive tape for the water supply pipe or the ring air resin adhesive to repair it. Some of the water pipes were cut and a new section of the water pipe was replaced. Since the project is relatively complicated, it is recommended to ask a plumber to repair it in time.

2.What are the common causes of water pipe leakage?

1.Loss of water pipe joints: This is a relatively common situation and is relatively easy to repair. As long as you have some experience, you can fix it yourself. If it's not tight, squeeze it yourself. If the joint is damaged, just replace it.

2.Leak from sewer pipe: The long sewer pipe is blocked, which is relatively difficult to deal with. If there is a foreign object blocking the sewer pipe for a long time, the sewer pipe will explode and leak, or the water pipe will harden, which will easily cause the water pipe to break and leak.

3.Loss of iron water pipes: There are relatively few users using iron water pipes now, because after a long time, water pipes are prone to rust, and drinking will cause damage to the health of the owners, and there will also be rust and corrosion, which leads to iron water pipes The main cause of water loss.

4.Loss of plastic water pipes: plastic water pipes are relatively common now, but you need to choose regular brand products, otherwise once they harden or are blocked by foreign objects for a long time, the water pipes are prone to rupture and leakage, so you need to pay attention to the purchase.

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